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A Natural Approach to Interstitial Cystitis

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC and Kathryn Cole, MS, RD

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic condition involving pain in the bladder and pelvic region. It can be difficult to achieve a diagnosis because IC symptoms appear so similar to urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and even signs of bladder cancer.  This can be confusing and may lead to following treatments that don’t work, and wasting time not finding answers. This is dangerous because over time, the inflammation and irritation in the bladder can cause scarring and thickening of the bladder. We recommend a natural approach to uncovering the root cause before the damage gets worse.

Generalized abdominal pain should not be ignored!

Symptoms and Causes

Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis include:

  • Pain in the pelvis and bladder
  • Frequent urination, often of small amounts
  • Urination urgency
  • Abdominal pressure
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Discomfort while the bladder fills up and relief after urinating.

Just as with so many other autoimmune conditions, there’s no one specific cause of IC. Everyone’s microbiome and toxic exposures are different, requiring different strategies.  However, top potential causes may include:

  • A defect in the bladder lining, allowing toxic substances to enter
  • Gut dysbiosis (yeast, fungus, bacteria, etc.)
  • Leaky gut
  • Histamines and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Infections
  • Food sensitivities
  • Environmental triggers (organophosphate pesticides)
Your microbiome in the gut affects your microbiome in the bladder!

Addressing the underlying causes is key to bringing relief. Our natural strategy involves reducing inflammation, managing stress, and enhancing gut health and immune function. We like to support bladder health with herbs and concentrated nutrients.  We are always aiming to address the root cause.


Regarding diet, it’s crucial to steer clear of potential food triggers. These can vary among individuals, but the most common triggers include: highly acidic foods (tomato sauce, citrus), caffeine/coffee/tea, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, MSG, chocolate, and spicy foods. We generally recommend that our clients start by following the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet. It is restrictive, but it’s highly effective because it’s so hypoallergenic. The top food sensitivities are naturally excluded. After your inflammation comes down and you start making progress, that’s when you can start reintroducing foods and finding your sweet spot.

In addition, you know we’re always reminding you to eat organic.  And having IC is another good reason!  This is because the pesticide residues that come in on conventional foods can cause kidney damage and can wreck the protective lining within the bladder (the glycosaminoglycan layer). We are constantly exposed to pesticides – every time we eat in a restaurant and every time we eat a conventional packaged food. Glyphosate contamination is everywhere! That’s why we need to be especially diligent with what we bring home. All organic, all the time!

Toxins at Home

Sometimes we have to think outside the box (or rather – inside the box) and consider what’s going on at home.  What exposures could be making your problem worse?  Maybe it’s time to throw out those toxic cleaning products and start trying Pure Haven Essentials. (It’s our favorite for cleaning the office and at home!) 

What else could it be? Maybe that water damage from a few years ago has caused some hidden mold?  Has your air filter been changed lately? 

We like to think of our homes as our safe haven where we can relax and restore. But take a look around. There could be multiple hidden triggers of your inflammation hiding in plain sight!

Don’t forget the obvious: water

And sometimes the trigger can be ridiculously obvious:  dehydration.  Remember that the bladder and kidneys are responsible for filtering and removing your liquid waste.  Think about it.  Which would be better?  A reservoir of well-diluted waste material?  Or a concentrated cesspool of urine?  Do you think one would be more irritating to the bladder wall than the other?  That’s why we recommend drinking plenty of pure, filtered water.  All day long, in between meals is best!

Certainly with so many different causes, that also means there are so many different solutions!  We hope you will consider exploring the natural route if you’re experiencing symptoms.  It’s likely your best bet to finding relief!

Time to live your life without worry!

Favorite Supplements That Can Help

  • Quercetin: Quercetin is a natural compound with anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce bladder inflammation and alleviate symptoms. It is found in foods such as apples, berries, red onions, capers, and leafy greens. Our best product in stock is Biotics Bio-FCTS. It contains bioflavonoids, vitamin C, thymus and spleen extracts, plus Quercetin. It’s a wonderful support for the immune system!
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and may provide relief from interstitial cystitis symptoms. These healthy fats can help reduce inflammation in the bladder and promote overall bladder health. Cod Liver Oil is our stand-by through the winter, because besides the Omegas it’s also a good source of vitamins A and D. In the summer, Tuna Omega 3 is a more affordable option.
  • Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria found in probiotic supplements or fermented foods can help support gut health and minimize inflammation in individuals with interstitial cystitis. A healthy gut microbiome is important for overall immune function and can help reduce symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis. Our first choice for a beneficial probiotic blend is Prosynbiotic (available in office). Once that runs out, you may like to switch to BioDoph-7-Plus for more diversity in your gut bacteria.

Three more worthwhile choices…

  • Cranberry Complex: is a combination of herbs to support urinary tract health. Cranberry prevents microorganisms from adhering to the bladder wall, which helps eliminate them from the body. Cranberry Complex helps to relieve the pain and burning sensation associated with cystitis.
  • Albaplex: is a combination product that supports kidney detoxification, liver function, and immune system function. Can be used for any type of urinary tract or bladder infection.
  • Cat’s Claw Forte: is an herbal product that enhances the immune system by eliminating yeast overgrowth.  It is anti-inflammatory and acts as a tonic to make one feel stronger and healthier. Great for any chronic inflammatory condition, acute infections, and suppressed immunity. Available in office .

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