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Subconscious Programming

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC

The power of your subconscious mind goes deeper than you might think. Your subconscious mind begins absorbing information – much like a sponge – early in development. Your subconscious is like a huge memory bank. It permanently stores memories and feelings from everything that has happened to you. The endless data is referred to as “subconscious programming”.

What if the subconscious programming of childhood memories wound up dictating your life as an adult? Have you ever wondered why you get triggered, when you find yourself in uncomfortable situations? Have you ever realized you’re behaving exactly as your Mom or Dad did? Maybe there’s something you can do to break this cycle of behavior…

Childhood Subconscious Programming

Children learn to distinguish good and bad behaviors by observing people in their environment. These are primarily the child’s parents and siblings. The perceptions acquired before the age of seven become the subconscious programming that shape his/her character for life.

Research shows that a child’s perceptions are impressed into the subconscious without filters of the analytical mind. Consequently, our initial perceptions are learned without us having the capacity to logically accept or reject those beliefs. 

Luckily, the subconscious mind is capable of mixing early perceptions with current thoughts. Through your conscious gift of free will, you can purposely create and reinforce thoughts that break the cycle of negative childhood behaviors. 

Children are programming their subconscious with every new activity and experience.

The Hypothalamus Gland

The hypothalamus gland in the brain receives a steady stream of information about bodily processes. These include: temperature, blood pressure, and caloric intake/expenditure. When it recognizes an imbalance, it restores balance by sending signals through the nervous system (sweating, blushing, vomiting). It also signals for necessary hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, thyroid, etc.).

The hypothalamus gland is truly the master conductor of your hormonal system. Your perception of the world is dependent on the health of the hypothalamus. This determines whether you view life as a happy place or full of danger. What’s interesting is to what degree your emotional stressors have on your physical health. As a person experiences highly stressful situations, sometimes the hypothalamus can be affected. The result can be a downward spiral of your physical health.

The hypothalamus is shown in green.

Subconscious Programming and Brainwaves

Electroencephalogram (EEG) readings show that the human brain operates on five distinct frequencies. From lower frequency to higher, the five brain waves are:  Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. These frequencies shift in incremental stages as the person transitions from infancy to childhood, and further into adulthood. Whereas adult brains exhibit frequencies across the full spectrum, children’s brains remain at the lower stages.

The main activity during the first two years of life is Delta, the lowest frequency range. Between ages two and seven, brain activity increases within the range of Theta. Here, children mix their perceptions of the real world with their imagination. At this point, their brains are consistently operating at levels below active consciousness. Delta and Theta frequencies are the same states hypnotherapists use to suggest new behaviors into their clients’ subconscious minds.

Alpha, Beta and Gamma brainwaves go progressively higher in cognitive ability. These brainwaves are important for learning, but must be balanced with the more restful frequency states.

Brainwave frequencies Delta and Theta are predominant with children younger than age seven.

Ways to Promote a Healthy Subconscious Connection:

Unfortunately, many people settle for less than what they deserve in life because of limiting beliefs ingrained from their formative years. If you want to change your behavior, you must first reprogram the hard-wired subconscious mind. In order to do this, you must deliberately plug in the subtle queues to your emotional triggers and reward systems. It’s not as difficult as it sounds (even in the holidays!) so here’s how you get started


Your subconscious programming happens through repetition and practice. Just as your subconscious learned to control your footsteps when you learned to walk, it also controls your adult decisions based on experiences you’ve reinforced over time.

Meditation is a mental exercise that trains your attention and awareness. It creates a mental state that opens the mind to new ideas. Meditation can be learned from books and videos, or online resources such as this. Basically, you turn your attention to a point of reference, such as deep breaths or bodily sensations. Although meditation requires practice, just 10 minutes a day is all you need!


Your subconscious mind constantly stores and retrieves data. It ensures you respond according to your programming. Your subconscious mind makes what you say and do fit patterns consistent with your original self-concept. This is why repeating positive phrases (called affirmations or mantras) is so effective. You can actually change your subconscious programming by repeating positive and success-oriented phrases.

Motivational activities, such as practicing gratitude and reading inspirational quotes, are so impactful for people looking to expand their positivity. By focusing on uplifting ideas, your subconscious mind will implement more positive patterns. Your entire outlook on life may shift for the better!

Listen to Music

Did you know, listening to music can clear negativity from your subconscious mind. Binaural beats is a technique where sound is played at lower frequencies to affect how the brain works. This achieves subliminal effects to calming brain function. You may even realize an altered state of consciousness.

Magnesium Supplements

We hear it all the time – Americans are sorely magnesium-deficient. Not surprisingly, we simply don’t consume enough dark leafy greens. Magnesium plays a key role in over 300 processes. It helps you sleep, feel energized and maintain a healthy immune system.  For supporting mood, magnesium can also improve symptoms of depression, anxiety and ADHD.

Hypothalmex and E-Z Mg support mood and subconscious programming
  • E-Z MG is a plant-based, multi-form magnesium. Simple and straightforward, the ingredients are Buckwheat and Swiss chard. E-Z Mg supports restfulness while waking, as well as deep sleep. It is an excellent source of vitamin K1 and iron.
  • Hypothalmex contains hypothalamus extract from pigs.  All hormonal functions of the hypothalamus gland are enhanced with this targeted nutrient. Specifically, we love this product for its effect on mood.

In Conclusion:

Your subconscious programming influences decisions throughout your entire life. If you’re not satisfied where your life is going, try these easy changes! You’ll never know the impact of daily mindfulness until you commit to try.

Happy kids make happy adults!

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