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Nutrition Consulting and Muscle Testing

We offer a new level of nutritional evaluation and corrective recommendations, including supplements and gradual diet modification to improve systematic function. We find immediate increase in vitality and joy as the primary motive for undertaking this therapy. It should also be noted that almost all physical conditions respond and may even resolve with specific nutritional support. We encourage people to include a nutritional evaluation as part of their care.

The muscle testing exam performed in this office is based on techniques developed by Dr. Richard Versendaal over fifty years ago and refined by Dr. Stuart White, called Systems Strength Analysis (SSA). This type of testing provides a great deal of information about the energized status of the body and its various organs, glands and systems without needing invasive or expensive techniques. The degree of accuracy is remarkable and best seen in the results achieved, and the speed of that achievement, by experienced practitioners skilled in this approach.

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