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Protect Yourself From Summer Heat

This summer is scorching already, and it’s only the beginning of July! We’ve got a long way to go before this heat spell is over. So, unless you enjoy sitting around at home doing nothing, you’ll want to prep yourself for endurance in the sunshine. There’s too much fun waiting outside! Take note of our tips…

Here are 5 simple ways you can keep yourself protected from the summer heat:

1. Work Out in the Mornings or Late Evenings

Are you working hard at your exercise goals? If so, try to burn your calories either at the beginning or end of the day. This is when the temperatures are lower, making it easier for you to handle a high-intensity workout. When possible, choose shaded areas to exercise so you can prevent heat exhaustion and overexposure to the sun.

2. Choose What to Wear in the Summer Heat

When it comes to summer fashion, there are three important factors for staying cool: fabric, color, and style. Go for breathable fabrics that’ll keep the air flowing freely. This helps evaporate your sweat quicker, keeping you cool as a cucumber. Fabric choices like cotton and linen top the list for best hot weather fabrics.

Also, choose fabrics that are lighter colored. Dark colors absorb more wavelengths of light and turn them into heat. Lighter colors, on the other hand, tend to reflect those wavelengths instead of absorbing them. This means there’s not as much heat being converted and you stay cooler.

Maybe through the fall and winter, you’re a trouser girl, always wearing practical pants to the office. But come summer, it really pays to switch up your style and opt for a skirt! Either short or long, whatever is appropriate, a skirt can make a huge difference in helping you feel cool. There’s nothing wrong with a classic, ladylike style!

3. Drink Fluids – Even When Not Thirsty

Dehydration can sneak up on you without you realizing it. As the saying goes, if you’re thirsty, you’re probably already dehydrated. So, when it’s hot outside, be sure to have plenty of water on hand. And don’t just limit your water drinking to while you’re outdoors. Continue to sip on H2O all day long at your desk or while busy inside, too.

One way to tell if you’re dehydrated is to keep an eye on the color of your urine. It should be pale, clear, light yellow. If it’s darker, you could be dehydrated.

Are you bored with plain water? Then by all means, jazz it up! Add a Nuun tablet for a fizzy burst of electrolytes, or add a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime, or orange for a pop of flavor. Above all, make sure to drink filtered water. And add a pinch of Celtic sea salt for added minerals.

4. Listen to Your Body

Sometimes, a brutal day in the heat is unavoidable. When this happens, pay special attention to what your body is saying. If your body’s telling you to stop, listen! You don’t want to pass out and either embarrass or hurt yourself. If you keep pushing past those warning signs, you increase your risk of heat exhaustion – or worse, heatstroke. Symptoms of overheating include:

  • A dull headache, generalized all over
  • Dizziness, like the world is going a little sideways
  • Weakness, it’s OK to sit down
  • Nausea, as if you might throw up
  • Excessive sweating or lack of sweating. Your skin should not seem oddly dry when it’s crazy hot!

If you notice any of these symptoms, get to a cool area immediately and begin hydrating. If you suspect you or a loved one is suffering from heatstroke, call 911.

5. Take Your Minerals

Minerals help your cell membranes function properly, and help you hold water within your cells. Taking your minerals can be as simple as using more Celtic or Pink Himalayan sea salt on your food. Or, you may like to add one of these key supplements:

  • Trace Minerals B12 is an overall well-rounded blend of the minerals we need from our food. This one is high in manganese, so is fantastic for athletes who are constantly stressing their ligaments and tendons.
  • Organically Bound Minerals is a great source of potassium from kelp and alfalfa. This blend is best for nervous tension or apprehension, such as before a big meeting or presentation. It can also help if you ever get the sensation of heart racing, as potassium slows the system down.
  • Min-Chex is a blend of calming minerals and B vitamins. It contains calcium lactate, iodine, magnesium, and Vitamin B6. This one is best for when you’re feeling very emotional – either burning with anger or about to burst into tears.
  • Orchex is our strongest nutritional tranquilizer. In addition to the ingredients of Min-Chex, it also contains orchic (testicular) support for added emotional strength when under extreme stress.
  • Biotics Electrolyte Forte is a newcomer that we have truly loved starting to use! Sweetened with stevia and monk fruit, it’s a yummy addition to your water.  Contains a hefty dose of potassium along with sodium, calcium, vitamin C, and magnesium.  Plus it has taurine, to help the electrolytes pass through the cell membranes.  A really good choice to stay fully hydrated!

Protect Yourself From the Summer Heat

Just because it’s hot outside doesn’t mean you have to spend the summer indoors. As long as you take the proper precautions, you can enjoy this season to its fullest. So, grab your water and soak in these bright summery days while you can!

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