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New Years Resolutions!

New Year’s Resolutions… Whether you love them or hate them, the tradition still runs strong. A simple Google search will pull up over 24-million internet pages about how to set them, keep them, and ignore them. And much of the information is snooze-worthy, to say the least. (Here we go again…)

Setting a few resolutions in January is a curious concept when you think about it.  How does waiting until January 1 to make the declaration increase our level of success and commitment?  Why is it that even after starting out strong, we soon find ourselves relying solely on willpower and grit? 

If you find yourself making resolutions, yet floundering with the follow-through, you’re not alone.  Let’s take a look at the pitfalls associated with traditional resolutions and explore mindset shifts to help achieve your goals:

1. Resolutions are based on what you “should” do, not what you “want” to do.   

When outside pressure makes you feel as if you “should” implement a change in your life, that’s a problem! Stop “should-ing” all over yourself and start thinking about the changes you “want” to make.  Start thinking, “I WANT to eat healthy food” not “I SHOULD eat healthy food.” Now try it again. “I WANT to __________________.” And what else? If you notice a bit of excitement bubble up when you think of what you want, you’re on the right track!  

2. Resolutions focus on the need to have more, ignoring our current blessings. 

With the onset of a New Year, our ambitions are naturally directed towards dreaming big and setting goals. However, these goals often emphasize the gaps between where you are today compared to where you want to be in the future.  Rather than focusing on gaining more of what you don’t have, stay present and acknowledge the abundance you do have!  

3. They look good on paper but often lack execution.

Pulling out a journal and your favorite pen to write out a resolution is nice to see, but that’s where it often ends. The next step is to create an execution strategy to outline how to accomplish what you want. Break it down into actionable steps, create a vision board, or strategically map out your plan. Add milestones and dates to check in on your progress. Be reasonable, too. You should expect a few slowdowns or the need for breaks along the way.  

4. Beware of distracting “shiny objects”. 

As the year wears on and the ‘newness’ of your resolutions begins to wane, “shiny new objects” may begin to appear. These are basically anything that competes for your attention. Soon, you find yourself focused on a different project or creating another list of things to accomplish. More than likely, it will have little to do with where you started. This may cause you to give up your original commitment. But, if you design your road map based on the results you want, your periodic check-ins will keep you on track. Your level of confidence, motivation, and commitment will rise to the occasion and help you stay on course.     

5. Resolutions don’t include a back-up plan for obstacles.

Whether we get discouraged from failure or simply lose interest, 90% of people give up on their resolutions.  Even if we genuinely believe in our ability to make changes, obstacles and tests are bound to arise. What will you do when this happens? Can you play “worst case scenario?” When obstacles show up, remember to stay present. Think through the challenge and create a back-up plan to keep your momentum going. As we all know too well, a failure to plan is a plan to fail! 

Looking Ahead…

What kind of changes and improvements will you be working toward this coming year? 

We’d love to know!

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