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Iodine and Fibrocystic Breasts

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC and Kathryn Cole, RD ​If you have been feeling occasional pain […]

Breast Implant Illness

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC Are you old enough to remember the media storm following […]

Phospholipids, Fats & Oils for Cell Membranes

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC Cell signaling is the process of cellular communication within the […]

Pitfalls of Following a Healthy Diet

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC We’ve all been there – wondering if something we’re eating […]

Benefits of a Grain-Free Diet

By Kathryn Cole, MS, RD How many of you remember learning about the food pyramid […]

Sugar vs. Fat

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC Two physiologists you may not have heard of before:  John […]

Six Powerful Mushrooms

Mushrooms have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their potential health benefits. Many, […]

Edible Insects?

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC Crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers?  Oh my!  They’re coming for our […]

Healing Leaky Gut

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC Leaky Gut Syndrome is a combination of symptoms that can […]

What to Do When “Your Labs Are Normal”

When your doctor says “Your labs are normal”, you might think “Ahh, that’s just part […]

Herbs for Healthy Lungs

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC If you worry about being prone to bronchitis, flu, or […]

Therapeutic Spices in Your Pantry

By Claire Bacon, ACN, CNC Here we have some exciting education for you about the […]


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